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  Ch. Domino Naughty Harrietta

( Nickname: Harriet - Sex: Female )

Harriet Photo



Harriet finished her championship in October of 2005. She is our Reserve Queen, including major reserves at the New York Specialty and the NY Club Supported Entry.

She has a sweet, typically "smooth" temperament - demanding and bright, maybe just a little bit needy, but always "on". Like her mother Kitty, she has "eyes like a person" - windows into her beautiful heart.

Harriet has been out a few times as a special , going Best of Opposite at major-pointed shows several times - racking up those ROM points for her mother Kitty.

Her daughter "Domino Tuff Titty" finished her championship handily.

Harriet retired from the show life and has been living with friends as a loving companion.


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